Out Of My Control-The lesson I learned about what to let go of!

Tamyara Brown
3 min readJan 31, 2023

You must choose to take hold of what you can control and let go of what you cannot. You cannot control your circumstances, but you can control your character. You cannot control the actions of others, but you can control the choices you make. You cannot control the outcome, but you can control the process.”

Dear People Pleasers,

We have a strong habit of wanting the power of control. To rewrite the narrative of how people think, feel, and how the world goes around. To be the omega and alpha of things going according to our rules and regulations. Yet, the older I get and the wiser I am becoming coming I have a clear understanding every task is not meant for me to carry, control and fix. The way people feel, think or believe about me is none of my business. All that I have control of his my thoughts and actions.

I recently learned that people-pleasing was an act of control. We go above and beyond to please people, to receive their badge of approval only to be still rejected. That we attempt to control people to accept and like us. So we create a habit of not saying no. We create habits of juggling our stuff and others all for the sake of being liked. For people to say kind words to your face, but behind your back to speak totally differently about you .



Tamyara Brown

Tamyara is an author of eight novels, blogger, graphic and website designer. She is also the host of B.L.A.H Diaries.