The Case of The Super Woman
The Secret Struggle of Mental Health We Do & Don’t Want To Deal With!
If I Holler Help Will you Really Hear Me?
Her cape tattered, tears stains hidden behind makeup and when called she answers, but do we hear the voice of the superwoman? Especially when she is put beautifully together. The woman with brains, beauty, and a heart of gold.Do we ignore her need to be rescued because she is considered indestructible?Simply because she can handle her business and manage her family. She shouldn’t be depressed per family, fiends and society. She is the baddest chick and plus she is never allowed to fail under pressure.
Yet, the more they’re are suicides being committed among . The crisis with depression is we are not allowing, seeking and getting the help we need. Most fear their truth, the others don’t have time and others don’t trust a soul. The hard question is are we really checking on our strong friends? Are we really listening when your strong friend is calling for help. Are we adding more to their plate which overflows because she is always been able to add one more thing to do.
More and more I ask myself to pay attention to the words not said, to probe a little more and I’m fine simply means more. Love is a verb and the action we take may be listening and not saying a word. Netflix and…